
What Took Me So Long to Watch This?!

"We came over to sit. That's what people do when tragedy strikes. They come over, and sit."

I finally watched Lars and the Real Girl which stars Ryan Gosling, yes the Notebook hottie.

It's a fantastic movie!

The plot is basically of a socially awkward guy, Lars, that orders a "love" doll from the internet and brings her to meet his brother and sister-in-law. The thing is that he isn't using the doll for phallic pleasure, he uses the doll to have conversations with. He seeks a deep, meaningful relationship. His sister-in-law wants to do everything to help him, his brother thinks he's gone over the edge. But, the story becomes truly moving once you see how the whole town seeks to help delusional Lars. It's a movie really about how a community should act.

"The writer conveys in a feature on the DVD that the film is about what could happen if a community would let a “mentally ill” person be himself. In other words, it’s about what could happen if the “illness” diagnosis is dropped and the person is treated with love and respect like a human. This film presents that “what if” beautifully."*

Here's a trailer for those of you that have not watched, but should go out an get to watching it right now!:

*film discussion


kaly said...

i keep wanting to download this from isohunt and never get to it! hugh! it shall be downloaded! it shall!

i finally watched the recent saw though. and it sucks pretty badly.
i think only the first 2 were actually good.

Vivian said...

download download!
i have yet to see the 3rd Saw... and your comment doesn't make me want to even bother with it. haha

asexual girlbot said...

LARS AND THE REAL GIRL= FANTASTIC! I LOVED THE MOVIE. in case me typing in caps didnt get that across.

Rachel said...

i loooove this movie.